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AMPHIBIOUS BEACH RECOVERY - This concept was proven at 1:20 scale between December 2021 and January 2022, when the model seen above successfully transported the 1:20 scale SeaVax proof of concept boat, also performing variable tracked steering maneuvers. The AmphiMax series of beach launch and recovery transporters are designed to be rugged and economical to build, with hydraulically driven caterpillar tracks, resistant to seawater corrosion. One AmphiMax might service around ten Calypso craft, as part of a cooperative effort.
To many, sargassum is a plague, brought on by global climate change, that is warming our acidic oceans. But, with machines like the proposed 'SeaVax-Sargasso' adaptation, we can not only rid the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Islands of the nuisance seaweed that is choking their beaches - but turn the tables - out of the ecological catastrophe in the making; to advantage mankind. For example there is a world shortage of fertilizer, that sargassum could help to plug.
The AmphiMax-Calypso is more modest amphibious vehicle, compared to the Sargasso format, but similarly, is designed in modular fashion to use off the shelf hydraulic parts that are marinised to protect against seawater salt corrosion. The caterpillar tracks are driven by hydraulic motors, with stainless bearings, to replace the normal carbon steel items, that would seize up in short order if submerged then parked for long periods on a beach.
The welded spaceframe is fabricated from high-strength tubular steel, epoxy primed and painted for a long, maintenance-free service life. The vehicle can partly submerge to become a navigable floating dockyard, for delivery anywhere in the world - in addition to being a launch and recovery vehicle for 'Calypso' vessels. Recovered 'Calypso' vessels might discharge their cargo on land, into waiting trucks, or pump their harvests directly to treatments plants, as convenient.
AmphiMax machines would be needed in the ratio of around one to ten Calypso machines. Depending on how quickly the recovery, unloading and launch cycle could be realistically performed.
OCEAN CLEANING MACHINES - This is what SeaVax looked like in 2016. The proof of concept model successfully cleaned our water test tank of scaled micro and macro plastics in minutes. The SeaVax-Calypso concept will need to be similarly tested in our water basin, before constructing anything larger for the Caribbean Sea.
Using the SeaVax formula as a baseline (example), a SeaVax-Sargasso and AmphiMax-Sargasso duo, would be out of reach of most island economies, cost wise. This is more for an ocean initiative that would, presumably, need to be a G20, state funded joint venture, or United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) endeavour. But at this time there is no agreement between parties to cooperate, and no action plan under negotiation (that we know of).
If the parties were looking to devise an action plan, the Cleaner Ocean Foundation would welcome expressions of interest (by way of end users or partners) in their SeaVax-Sargasso concept - with a view to agreeing funding levels for such development, as a measure of compensation to affected nations, for ocean polluting industrial effluence.
The basic SeaVax machine seen here as a proof of concept (working model) was designed to filter macro & micro plastics from seawater - in bulk, and recover ghost fishing nets of up to 150 tons. It was to be solar and wind powered. The Calypso and Sargasso (seaweed) models are roughly double the capacity, with a revised specification that include renewables hydrogen in the energy equation, for more operational grunt and versatility.
Climate change is responsible for warming and acid oceans. But to tackle the root cause of the sargassum crisis, via cooling of the planet would take another 30-50 years - and only then if governments were to put the development brakes on and engage economic reverse gear. Which is not about to happen, with present election strategies based on business as usual policies - that may not work - but for some reason the electorate seem to swallow, perhaps to protect their own fiefdoms, at the expense of security for future generations .
The SeaVax-Calypso, and AmphiMax-Calypso format, is a more modest undertaking designed for islanders, tour and holiday operators in, or bordering the Caribbean Sea, including the Gulf of Mexico, to counter the now familiar brown horizon, and noxious 'rotten-egg' odours that upset tourists and local fisherman - and pollute their pristine sandy beaches. With cleanup bills well over $30 million dollars in 2022, just for some Mexican beaches, the Calypso formula is beginning to look attractive.
Expressions of interest are welcome, with a view to forming a Caribbean consortium to exploit the potential for profiting from the bumper sargassum crop, and regain those beautiful beaches, to bring back visitors to the islands.
TBA ...
WHAT DRIVES US - It is pictures like this beach at Cuncun, Gulf of Mexico, stinking to high heaven with sargassum, that is ruining the local economy and ecology, that makes us want to do something about it. You can too. Why not begin a research project for your masters degree. Work with the Cleaner Ocean Foundation, to make a difference to the world your great grandchildren will inherit - if they are lucky.
"Be the solution, not the pollution."
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This website is provided on a free basis as a public information service. copyright ฉ Cleaner Oceans Foundation Ltd (COFL) (Company No: 4674774) 2022. Solar Studios, BN271RF, United Kingdom. COFL is a not for profit company without share capital. The names AmphiMaxฎ and SeaVaxฎ are registered trademarks.