AUGUST 2022 - Climate change is causing misery in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico, with the Sargasso Sea producing colossal sargassum blooms of 24 millions tons in 2022, an increase over 18 million tons in 2021. It would take a fleet of 300 specially adapted SeaVax machines, operating at a speed of one load per hour, to deal with such quantities. Clearly, that is not going to happen. The world would not pay to clean the ocean of plastic, so why would they pay to get rid of seaweed. The G20 are happy to dump on the islands and beaches in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico. It does not seem to bother them that their greed is causing grief to other people. It is still business as usual for the G7. Based on policies that will only make things worse. The good thing about sargassum, is you can see it - and it stinks.
Lobbying for preventative change keeps politicians on their toes. Without an electorate making noises, our elected leaders will do nothing, because they are comfortable, being lazy. It is our duty to make them uncomfortable, to remind them of the carcinogenic fumes in cities and CO2 turning our planet into a greenhouse. And yes, greenhouses are hot.
A hot atmosphere warms our oceans, and warmer oceans means significant changes in our ecology.
Please write to your MP,
Senator, Prime
Minister, President,
or King,
to ask these heads of state to do something positive today to
encourage the most urgent transition from fossil
fuels to renewable
energy. We must lobby, lobby, lobby until equilibrium is reached. THIS WILL GIVE US A NEW BEGINNING.
Renewables are cheaper than fossil fuels, without climate change as a secondary effect. Renewable electricity is clean energy for cars, trucks and ships. Yes, and eventually, even planes.
We freely admit to feeling desperate. But should you not be feeling unsafe too? Perhaps we should dump some stinking sargassum on the doorsteps of our politicians. To remind them of what they are doing. That might make them uncomfortable!
We are only joking of course. Lobbying and protesting can be just as effective as dumping on their parade.
Governments might scrap policies based on the burning of fossil fuels that release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, so changing our climate. They must accept responsibility for their failure to do this, so taking us to the very brink of extinction. And for what? For a few more dirty oil bucks in the bank.
Oil and gas puts power in the hands of the few. Renewables spreads power more evenly for the many, in proportion to land mass, hence population requirements. In nature animals do live where there is no food or water supply naturally - or they die. Man, makes a habit of using resources to build where there is no natural life support. Think Las Vegas. What were those Americans thinking. They were thinking oil money in their wallets. Money they should have used wisely. But squandered irresponsibly.
If you think that is bad, what about the Middle Eastern oil barons. Think Palm Island: a modern monument to climate madness! When the Ancient Egyptians squandered their Gross National Product on Pyramids. They did not know about man-made climate issues. But they still ate and built themselves out of house and home. The Great Pyramids at Giza, are monuments to unsustainable policies. Even though we love them. It's incredible how an intelligent species can be so dumb.
What is brown and stinks? G7 policies!
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