Recycling Technologies is a British company developing sustainable solutions



Recycling Technologies (RT) has engineered a modular and scalable machine named the RT7000, to chemically convert plastic waste, which currently cannot be recycled, into Plaxx® - a valuable hydrocarbon product.


The machine is sized to be installed at existing waste sites and recycling centres, diverting residual plastic waste from ending up in landfill sites, incinerated or exported overseas.

Recycling Technologies serves the plastics and waste industries by enhancing the recyclability of plastic, installing recycling capacity and reaching towards a 90% plastic recycling rate.






By bridging the gap between the waste sector and the petrochemical sector, the RT7000 technology can close the loop in the plastics value chain, moving away from traditional linear models (produce, use, discard), and into a circular model (produce, use, recycle and reproduce).



The oil to plastic and plastic to oil circular economy



The majority of currently “un-recyclable” plastic waste is currently destined for incineration, export, or landfill. By diverting this waste to the RT7000 and returning it to its original oil state, plastic waste is valorised as a resource allowing RT to:

- Turn off the tap on plastic waste entering the environment
- Offset CO2 emissions
- Retain resources in the economy
- Displace the use of virgin fossil fuel
- Enhance mechanical recycling
- Increase overall plastic recycling rates.


Recycling Technologies plastic treatment plant diagram




The RT7000 makes the use of plastic sustainable, delivering significant environmental benefits both through the correct management of waste and the production of a sustainable product.

Recycling Technologies has an ambition to install an additional 10 million tonnes of plastic recycling capacity to the world by 2027. The global fleet of RT7000s could save a total of 17 million tonnes of carbon equivalent, equating to almost 16,000 wind turbines, or enough electricity for 6.7 million houses per year.


The developments of RT are pushing forward the boundaries of existing processes and business models to refine it such that it becomes a valuable component of the transition to a circular economy. In our view their work is ground breaking and as such this kind of research and development should be supported for potential use in mass conversion such as the landing of ocean plastics.



Turning plastic back into oil





Plaxx is a ultra low sulphur oil, cut into four fractions. These have applications in multiple industrial sectors and can be sold individually or combined dependent on the drives of the local market place.

Alternative end markets for Plaxx fractions:

- Plaxx-16 as Low Sulphur Marine Gas Oil (LS MGO) for the shipping industry, Marine Pollution MARPOL-compliant


- Plaxx-30 as Low Sulphur Heavy Fuel Oil (LS HFO) for use in engines/burners


- The blend of Plaxx-8, Plaxx-16, Plaxx-30 and Plaxx-50 as LS HFO for use in engines/burners with modified fuel delivery systems

Target end markets for Plaxx fractions:

- The blend of Plaxx-8, Plaxx-16 and Plaxx-30 as feedstock for steam cracking in the plastics production chain


- Plaxx-50 as a petroleum wax in packaging, cosmetics and other applications



Recycling Technologies Limited

Unit B2 Stirling Court
Stirling Road

Tel. +44 1793 827 965




PRESS RELEASE JULY 8 2019 - Unique bins being trialled at Barclaycard presents British Summertime Festival in Hyde Park to help revellers recycle troublesome plastics like bags, crisp wrappers and bottle lids they bring on site.

Tuesday 9th July, 2019 (London, UK) – A new campaign is helping festival-goers to be even more environmentally minded this summer – thanks to unique British recycling technology that allows us to recycle previously unrecyclable plastic.

Single-use plastic is a hot topic around the festival season, as revellers leave behind mounds of unrecyclable plastic at music sites every year, of which a large amount is single-use food wrappers. Sixty British festivals have even pledged to go single-use free by 2021 – but outright bans don’t address the issue of what people bring on site and what to do with these often unrecyclable plastic items to keep them out of landfill and the eco-system.

A UK entrepreneur has an answer – and, with support from Barclays, it is proving to festival-goers this summer that many more plastics can be recycled, thanks to its patented technology.

Recycling Technologies – a tech-forward entrepreneurial company based in Swindon – has teamed up with Barclays to install 25 unique recycling bins at Barclaycard presents British Summer Time Festival in Hyde Park, to collect and recycle almost all of the previously unrecyclable plastic that is brought onto site by the public. The special recycling bins will be on-site from 8th-11th July 2019, to support the festival’s already strong, recycling efforts; with staff helping to direct festival-goers to the recycling points. 





Pyrolysis transforms organic materials into their gaseous components, a solid residue of carbon and ash, and a liquid called pyrolytic oil (or bio-oil).


Pyrolysis has two primary methods for removing contaminants from a substance: destruction and removal. In destruction, the organic contaminants are broken down into compounds with lower molecular weight, whereas in the removal process, they are not destroyed but are separated from the contaminated material.


Pyrolysis is a useful process for treating organic materials that “crack” or decompose under the presence of heat; examples include polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxins, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).


Although pyrolysis is not useful for removing or destroying inorganic materials such as metals, it can be used in techniques that render those materials inert.

The process is used heavily in the chemical industry, for example, to produce ethylene, many forms of carbon, and other chemicals from petroleum, coal, and even wood, to produce coke from coal.


Aspirational applications of pyrolysis would convert biomass into syngas and biochar, waste plastics back into usable oil, or waste into safely disposable substances. 

Pyrolysis can also be used to treat plastic waste. The main advantage is the reduction in volume of the waste. In principle, pyrolysis will regenerate the monomers (precursors) to the polymers that are treated.

Conversion of waste plastic to diesel

The procedure of converting waste plastic to diesel is relatively straight forward; it is like how liquor is made.

If you warm plastic waste in non oxygen condition, it will soften, yet won’t consume. After it has liquefied, you put those plastics through a cooling funnel and when cooled the vapors will gather to a fluid and a portion of the vapors with shorter hydrocarbon lengths will stay as a gas.

The exit of the cooling funnel is then allowed to experience a bubbler containing water to catch the last fluid types of fuel and leave just gas that is then singed.


On the off chance that the cooling of the cooling tube is adequate, there will be no fuel in the bubbler, however in the event that not, the water will catch all the rest of the fuel that will skim over the water and can be poured off the water.


On the base of the cooling tube is a steel store that gathers all the fluid and it has a discharge valve on the base with the goal that the fluid fuel can be spilled out.

Conversion of waste plastic to petrol

Plastic material is anything but difficult to utilize as fuel and we can discover it in over 70% of things that we usually utilize. In any case, plastic is additionally viewed as a risky waste that is aggregating in our environment. Plastic polymers are non-biodegradable, poison bearers and are peril to creatures if devoured. Below are the processes that can be used to convert waste plastic to petrol.

IIP process

Dehradun based Indian Institute of Petroleum (IIP), a constituent lab of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in 2014, built up a procedure of changing over plastic waste like polyethylene and polypropylene as well as the plastic waste and through these processes they can be changed over to either gas or diesel. The innovation is equipped for changing over 1 kg of plastic to 750 ml of car review fuel. Due to about nil nearness of Sulfur in the delivered fuel, IIP’s plastic changed over fuel is unadulterated and meets the Euro-III measures.

LDPE to Fuel

This procedure creates extensive amounts of substantially littler, natural particles. Kaolin goes acts as an impetus by giving an extensive responsive surface on which the polymer particles are presented to high temperatures inside the warm reactor, breaking them separated. The rate of response can be modified by changing the measure of Kaolin utilized. The response at an upgraded temperature of 450 degrees Celsius with ideal measure of Kaolin can deliver around 70-80% of fluid fuel. So for each kilogram of waste plastic, they could create 700 grams of fluid fuel that is synthetically like regular petrochemical powers.


The two plastics and oil based commodities are hydrocarbons, however in plastics; the chain of natural particles is longer. So the standard is only invert polymerization or breaking of longer chains into littler chains that of fuel. All kinds of plastic items like Polyvinyl Chloride, PET containers, LDPE, and so forth can be changed over into fuel by this procedure.




SCIENCE DIRECT ABSTRACT - The global plastic production increased over years due to the vast applications of plastics in many sectors. The continuous demand of plastics caused the plastic wastes accumulation in the landfill consumed a lot of spaces that contributed to the environmental problem. The rising in plastics demand led to the depletion of petroleum as part of non-renewable fossil fuel since plastics were the petroleum-based material. Some alternatives that have been developed to manage plastic wastes were recycling and energy recovery method. However, there were some drawbacks of the recycling method as it required high labor cost for the separation process and caused water contamination that reduced the process sustainability. Due to these drawbacks, the researchers have diverted their attentions to the energy recovery method to compensate the high energy demand.


Through extensive research and technology development, the plastic waste conversion to energy was developed. As petroleum was the main source of plastic manufacturing, the recovery of plastic to liquid oil through pyrolysis process had a great potential since the oil produced had high calorific value comparable with the commercial fuel. This paper reviewed the pyrolysis process for each type of plastics and the main process parameters that influenced the final end product such as oil, gaseous and char. The key parameters that were reviewed in this paper included temperatures, type of reactors, residence time, pressure, catalysts, type of fluidizing gas and its flow rate. In addition, several viewpoints to optimize the liquid oil production for each plastic were also discussed in this paper.





* Adidas

* Algalita research foundation

* Aliance to end Plastic Waste AEPW

* Baltimore Mr Trash river cleaning barge

* BAN - Basel Convention Action Network

* Boyan Slat's ocean booms

* CLAIM H2020 EU marine plastic project

* Earth Day - Fact sheet ocean plastic

* Fionn Ferreira's ferrofluid extraction of microplastics

* FlashLight Press Michelle Lord & Julia Blatt

* Greenpeace

* GRIPS - Global Research & Innovation in Plastics Sustainability

* 5 Gyres Institute

* Interceptor tethered river cleaning barges

* Junk Raft - plastic awareness voyage

* Kids Against Plastic Tat KAPTAT

* Kulo Luna graphic novel

* Miss Ocean - Plastic Awareness Events

* 4Ocean recycled plastic bracelets

* Nike - Sneakers from recycled materials, ocean spills

* Ocean Voyages Institute

* Ocean Waste Plastic

* Parley AIR

* Plastic Free Eastbourne

* Plastic Oceans Canada

* Plastic Oceans Chile

* Plastic Oceans Mexico

* Plastic Oceans Org

* Plastic Oceans UK

* Recycling Technologies

* Rozalia Project

* Seabin

* Sea Litter Critters

* SeaVax autonomous drones

* Surfers Against Sewage

* Surrey University PIRATE & Triton

* Sussex Bay - Coastline marine rewilding project

* World Oceans Day

* WRAP - Waste & Resources Action Programme



















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